Friday, August 29, 2014

Mini josefina's summer adventure!

 Mini Josefina started her journey in a big Geen yard !

 The grass was so tall, it was hard to walk.

Josefina saw a giant snail!

 Mini Josefina climbed on the laundry line  ! She was so high !

She also had fun  using my camera pouch as a sleeping bag.

Then she went on a walk in the tall grassy garden
 She stopped when she saw a cute little chick.

 It had gotten lost and she desided to help him .
 Together they went on a great adventure .

  While they were walking on the path Josefina felt lik something was folowing them ...
 It was a puppy !
 Josefina took him in her arms and the pup like her cheek !


 "You have to go right to find the chick's nest " the puppy said.

Josefina took his advice and follow the direction he indicated.

 Soon she found a cakatoo who was sitting on a branch .

 "Hello Mr. Cakatoo !" josefina said " Would you help me find the chicks nest?"
 "Sure!" he answered; " But you have to feed me some of your snack that you are carrying with you."

 She climbed the tree and handed him the bread she had from her snack.


 After he was done eating he lead the way up to a little windmill house .

" I don't see any nest!" Josefina said

"Is there someone in here ? " She said as she looked through the window.

"Here is the nest !" the cakatoo called from the windmill.

On top of the house was a nest with a few birdsin it , they were the chicks family.

"But how  am I going to help the chick get up there?" Josefina asked herself
Soundenly she remembered , the rebozo she had packed .

She tied the chick around her waist and started to climb . 


The chick was happy to be back with his faimly

And Josefina was happy baout her adventure.







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